Picture From Above - Uplifting Coffee
Recently I have become obsessed with pictures of Coffee. There's just something about a hot cup of coffee sat waiting in readiness to be drunk atop of a characterful wooden tabletop. A lot of people don't like "food pictures" on social media and I'm still not sure if coffee pictures falls into the same hated category. I'm also not sure how comfortable I am with how I look in a coffee shop arranging objects on the tabletop and hovering above, phone in hand getting a good shot, instead of just sitting down and enjoying it.

In fact I've just decided I'm fine with it because I do love the results the slight social-weirdness can produce. This is taken in a little place called Coffee Aroma I love sitting upstairs in the attic room here. I took a few shots on my DSLR but this one taken on my iPhone was interestingly the one I particularly loved. (A testament to modern phone cameras, I guess.) I'm going to make it my goal to get more pictures of coffee and interesting coffee shops over the next few months.