Getting up early for sunrise
I always get inspired looking at pictures people have taken at sunrise and I always say I'm going to do it. In reality it very rarely happens, more of a convenience thing more than a lack of desire. Winter is the best time though, not only do you often get a photogenic mist in the air the sun rises much later so you don't have to get up too early. (That's definitely a good thing in my opinion!) So, How did it go?
I have woken up early and gone out in the past. Gone out to a good spot all excited and then sunrise time comes and goes and... nothing. Too cloudy and that's always such a disappointment. This time I got there a little too early, it got lighter and lighter and still nothing. I was starting to think the "clear sky" was actually thick white cloud that I was mistaking for an empty sky. Sunrise time came and went and I started to wonder whether I'd missed it then all of a sudden I looked over the field and...

The sun appeared and it was quite big! A few minutes later I had experimented with numerous shutter speeds and ISO settings and that was the image I managed to take. I always find the balance between everything being too dark or the sun being an exploding ball of light very difficult but I almost had it here.

Although I enjoy taking landscapes it doesn't take long before I revert to my favourite thing, finding some foreground interest and playing about with some macro type shots.

Again here I've had the problem with the over-exposed ball of sunshine! Focusing on the right plant is also difficult when you've got the sun blinding you.

In the end this was my favourite little spot. I never quite got the balance right here either but I really like the foreground full of twigs and buds.

A slight shuffle to the left and the sun hides behind the tree trunk and changes the image a little without the glare and the orange glow.

I love this shot. You might be thinking: "It's a twig!?" But the lighting just makes it look so warm and full of life.

All the while my phone was time-lapsing the whole thing. Turns out the sun didn't rise that quickly and it basically looks like it's not moving. It was worth a try though. Just 20 minutes after the first shot the sun had risen, the best light had gone and I had to get to work so it was time to leave.
Hope you've enjoyed the shots from sunrise the other day and who knows maybe I'll get another chance to go out in a morning before the dreaded 5am sunrises begin!