Beach People
People or no people? I always used to take a lot of landscape photos and never had many pictures with people in. I think the reason for this is that I don’t like the idea of everyone listening to my voice as I order them about into a good shot. But more recently I’ve started to appreciate a new angle of photography, including people.
So on this beach in Northern Ireland I had an opportunity for landscape and portrait photography. In fact, a mixture of both!

People in pictures…so this is a good start, maybe I’ll get them to look at the camera next. The backdrop on this beach was brilliant so any picture would look pretty good.
Jacob was great and very natural, happy to pose for me. I just let him do his thing and took many photos, I think he was enjoying himself.

You see! Natural. Again a brilliant combination of natural posing and wonderful backdrop.

Jacob wasn’t the only person happy to pose for me on the beach though. Big smiles all round from these girls. It was after taking these photos they finally realised the effect living together had taken on the uniqueness of their clothing styles.

Another shot from behind seems to have crept in. I do like the feeling this gives off of just staring out to sea, looking into the distance and contemplating.

Oh, and another one.

So here’s a question: What makes for a better portrait photo, looking into or looking away from the camera? I guess the style of photo plays a huge part in the answer to this question but for some reason I’m quite a fan of the vacant stare into nowhere. Not saying Jacob is looking vacant, he’s actually looking really natural in this photo.

And there’s more people who want to get involved in this people photo taking revolution. I actually don’t think Abby was posing for the camera here, the situation just created an unavoidable photo-taking opportunity.

Again, another photo opportunity taken full advantage of. The footsteps add a nice dimension to this photo.

Eventually though they lose interest. Now comes the challenge of trying to capture the fun and laughter of the group. At this point the sun was setting and most pictures looked pretty good because of that light.

If all else fails get everybody trying to do heel clicks. Turns out it is very difficult, apparently! Timing is also not their strong point.

As the day draws to a close and the sun is setting it’s time to go home. Find that long road and walk it!