Sun is shining, weather is sweet
"I want photos like that" clients say as they send me google image results and Pinterest screenshots. And do you know the common attribute of all the photos? Sunshine!
Unfortunately you can't bring the sunshine with you but it is amazing how much of a difference it can make to a photo. This wedding from earlier this year is a prime example.

The venue was a great place anyway but we had been in this field earlier in the afternoon and the pictures are nowhere near as good as these later in the day, once the sun started to set. All of a sudden the mood just changed and the light became something special.

This photo would look like just a standard wedding photo, stood under the dull shadow of this tree but the sunshine completely transforms it. This is a time when shooting into the sun is actually a good thing.
You can just feel the light start to change. Even from inside the reception the light reflecting off the walls made me drag the bride and groom back outside and get some more pictures.

So if you've been practicing with portrait photography and are unhappy with the results so far don't forget next time to take the sun with you ;)