All the small things - Capturing the little things on a wedding day
It's easy to be worried about missing all the big, important stuff on a wedding day that you can overlook the smaller details.

It's these details that all add together to help remember the mood and feel of the day. It's not all about vows and first dances! This wedding was fairly unique in that it had tiers of macaroons instead of a regular cake. If nothing else it proved to be good to photograph. Putting the flowers alongside always completes a picture like this too.

Capturing some shots from the guests perspective is always a good idea. It helps to show some of their joyful anticipation as they await the evening ahead. If it tells a little story then even better.

Generally the bride never really enjoys having a camera in her face while she's trying to eat but the atmosphere of the evening meal can often be captured nicely with a little close up.

Or even with a little not-close-up! (What's the opposite of close up? A far away?) The mood and style of an evening meal often looks good with a shot like this, capturing all the details. But there is a need to take care with the timing of the shot, no one at a wedding appreciates a photo of them with hamster cheeks and food hanging out of their mouth!

I'm obviously not the first wedding photographer to take a picture of shoes but it's easy to forget how effective this simple shot can be. While all the frantic "getting ready" is going on I walk off with a pair of shoes, find a quiet spot and compose some pictures. Probably the only day it's acceptable to just pop a pair of shoes on the kitchen table and start taking pictures of them. Don't try that at breakfast tomorrow!
Don't forget - the little details matter too and can create some nice memories of the day. Some of the things that go unnoticed on the day will stay forever in a photo.